What book are you reading right now and how often do you pick up a new novel?
Great question. If you take a look at the right hand side of my blog, you'll see a little box under my 'about me' titled 'currently reading'. I update this as soon as I finish a book. Currently, I'm reading Two Pins in a Fountain by Jane Arbor. It's one of those books that I picked up from a yard sale because it 'looked pretty'. [See previous post for that explanation ;)]
As for how often I pick up a new novel: I go back and forth all the time on this. I can easily go through a book a day, but the downside is that I get so absorbed in the story that I neglect my own writing of the Tabitha Hale Saga. I've gone from the former to a couple a week because I need a brain break from the THS. About a month later, usually when I see a new book coming out, I'll switch back to the former and do a book a day. After realizing, again, how much that took away from my writing, I always switch back to a couple a week. It's really a viscous cycle for me. Once I get into a story, I just have to know the ending which makes the book really hard to put down long enough to come up for air. As my husband says, 'You devour books.' No, but really. I do.
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