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  • Monday, July 23, 2012
  • Andrea
  • After a brief hiatus and a long week, I am finally back home. I have my own bed, food, and couch which makes me one happy girl! Just as I've been slacking with my posts, you all have been slacking with your questions =P I have a spot open this week and still need a question for it. Don't be shy! Send them in so I can answer! :-)

    Were you inspired by someone or something?

    My grandmother. She was an author and self-published several books before she died. I always admired her and thought it was the coolest thing that she had written a book.

    In the beginning, I wrote because it was an escape from things I was going through when I was younger. If you would have told me that I would have been an aspiring author in four years time, I would have told you you were insane. I hated English class at one point, allowing poor teachers to dampen my enthusiasm, but I have always been good at making things up.


    If you have a question about the Tabitha Hale Saga, please feel free to shoot me a message here or leave a comment at the bottom of this post and I will incorporate it into my daily schedule. (Once you're on the website, click 'contact' on the upper right hand side.) Make sure you subscribe either via email or blog so you don't miss tomorrow's question!


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