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  • Tuesday, July 24, 2012
  • Andrea
  • What do you like to do when you're not writing?

    How much time do you have? The list of things I like to do/want to learn seems to be growing with each passing day. 

    As most of you already know, I'm a huge reader and try to fit in anywhere from a book a day to three books a week depending on what kind of time I have available. 

    If I'm not reading, I enjoy cooking. (Last night's new meal was Lemon Basil Chicken with mac & cheese and a side salad...SO GOOD!)

    When my husband is home and I'm thoroughly annoyed with my writer's block, I play XBox 360 with him to unwind. I will spare you the list of games I enjoy.

    During the day, while I'm in 'mommy mode', I enjoy playing with my son and miniature dachshund. (Side note: Funny story...The dog's name is Peanut. My son calls him 'Layla'. I have NO idea where that came from!!)

    I have a Pinterest obsession. It's a fact. At the end of a long day, after I have turned off the computer and gone to bed, I do what we all do...Lie in bed with the iPhone. I recently found a pattern on there for washable paper towels. Now I want to sew. Add that to my growing list of things to do. *sigh

    I love, love, love savoring memories with my camera.

    Movies. Oh man. Don't get me started on this one or we'll be here all day! I'll just say I recently watched the new Spiderman and Batman movies and leave it at that.

    There are many other hobbies I could add to the list, but I think you get the general idea. ;)


    If you have a question about the Tabitha Hale Saga, please feel free to shoot me a message here or leave a comment at the bottom of this post and I will incorporate it into my daily schedule. (Once you're on the website, click 'contact' on the upper right hand side.) Make sure you subscribe either via email or blog so you don't miss tomorrow's question!


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