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  • Saturday, July 7, 2012
  • Andrea
  • Ah, Saturday, you are a welcome sight. The weekend is when I get the most writing done because my husband is home to watch our son, but I have to admit that the idea of a nap keeps lingering in my mind.
    My goal tonight is to finish the eighth chapter in book four. Hopefully some of you read the previous post about how important it is to not only set goals for yourself, but also to have someone else keep you accountable to complete said goal. For those of you who are writers and are reading this, make sure you set aside some time today to get at least a paragraph of something written! At the very least, it will help you unwind after a long day.

    What are you the most afraid of? Does this inspire any part of your writing? 
    Probably the reality of life is what I am most afraid of, and it plays its role heavily in my writing. In my daily life, I always try to go through it remembering that this could be the last day I ever see someone. Having gone through a traumatic car accident when I was younger, I realize how quickly life can change and really try to hit that hard in the Tabitha Hale Saga. Never take your life for granted, because it could be the last day you have to spend with the people you love.


    If you have a question about the Tabitha Hale Saga, please feel free to shoot me a message here or leave a comment at the bottom of this post and I will incorporate it into my daily schedule. (Once you're on the website, click 'contact' on the upper right hand side.) Make sure you subscribe either via email or blog so you don't miss tomorrow's question!


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