How complicated is it to write a book? I mean, can't you just pull out a piece of paper and go?
I laughed out loud when I read this! I wish it were that easy. When I first began writing A Perception of Dreams, that's the exact mindset I had adapted. Granted, I wasn't going into it thinking that it could be published one day. I was writing purely just to free my mind of all the clutter. Now that I am in the process of writing book four, book two is being edited, and APOD is in the publishing process, I now realize how complicated it all is.
Perhaps writing one book would be different, but as for an entire series with multiple books, it is growing increasingly complicated to keep everyone's story straight. Every single minute detail has to be analyzed, from the color of a character's hair to personality consistency in every situation. Even in the last couple of days as I go through book two with my editor, I find myself getting a little frustrated. I mean, it all makes sense in my head already and I just assume that it makes sense to the reader: wrong. Your best bet, as a writer, is to have someone you greatly trust read your work to make sure that whatever thought you are wanting to get across comes out the way you intend it to. Just because you know what you are saying does not mean that the reader does; this has now caused me to over analyze everything which, I'm sure, drives the editor and the agent nuts sometimes. Bless them! ;)
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